Haiku Salut: BFI Archive Live Score Tour
This new Live Cinema UK commissioned event was born out of the Lockdown Re-score Challenge we set Haiku Salut back in 2020.

Haiku Salut are a singular musical force. (MOJO)
Instrumental artists Haiku Salut are famed for performances where their music casts its magical spell. In early 2022, they presented the world premiere of two live scores, accompanying a pair of silent shorts from the BFI Archive. The “dream-pop-post-folk-neo-everything” trio unveiled two original live scores to Nude Woman by Waterfall (1920) and 4 and 20 Fit Girls (1940). This new Live Cinema UK commissioned event was born out of the Lockdown Re-score Challenge we set Haiku Salut back in 2020.
Haiku Salut released both songs in their entirety in October 2020. The first song, “Pattern Thinker” (11 mins 24 seconds), provided the soundtrack for the 1940 black and white short, “4 And 20 Fit Girls”. Haiku Salut’s new score marries intricate electronica with emotive post-rock to create a joyous, expansive and hopeful soundtrack. Since its release, it has received a lot of coverage and airplay on BBC 6 Music.
The second song, “Portrait In Dust” (10 minutes 50 seconds), provided the soundtrack for the 1920 short film, “Nude Woman By Waterfall”, shot by pioneering British filmographer Claude Friese-Greene. In contrast to the graceful choreography of “4 And 20 Fit Girls”, this is a dreamlike, impressionistic piece, an experiment in mood, style and atmosphere – and Haiku Salut’s music matches this tone perfectly with a haunted ambient score.

Sunday 16 January 2022
HOME, Manchester
Friday 11 March 2022
Brewery Arts Kendal
Funded by Film Hub North and commissioned and produced by Live Cinema UK.